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WinRAR 2.50 beta 3a

Version 2.50 beta

1. Both packing speed and compression ratio have been improved.

2. WinRAR is now able to process ZIP archives without calling
external programs. Supported operations for ZIP archives:

- extracting;
- testing;
- creating and updating;
- deleting;
- repairing;
- commenting;
- converting to SFX (self-extracting) archive;

To handle ZIP archives, WinRAR incorporates compression code
by the Info-ZIP group, which is used with their permission.
There are no extra charges or costs due to the use of this code,
and the original compression sources are freely available from

Note that ZIP archives are supported only by the GUI WinRAR.EXE
Console RAR.EXE and UNRAR.EXE are able to process only RAR archives.

3. New options in "Add" dialog:

a) "Archive format":

Allows format selection (RAR or ZIP) of new archive.
Read online help for detailed formats consideration;

b) "Erase destination disk contents before archiving":

Delete all files and folders from the destination disk
before creating an archive. Works only with removable disks
and if used when creating volumes, erasing will be performed
before the creation of each volume;

c) "Add only files with attribute "Archive" set":

Add only those files, which have the "Archive" attribute
set on. Useful for backup operations;

d) "Clear attribute "Archive" after compressing"

Clear the "Archive" attribute on compressed files.
Useful for backup operations.

4. Changes in "View" command:

a) Size of viewed file in the internal viewer now is limited
only by the amount of available memory. Previous limitation
is removed;

b) It is possible to change the default viewer font using
command "Set font" in "View" menu of viewer window.

5. Changes in "Delete" command:

a) Usual (non-archived) files now deleted to the Recycle Bin.
Press Shift-Del instead of Del, if you wish to delete files
as before;

b) "Delete" command now can delete non-empty folders.

6. New "Estimate" command allows to roughly and quickly estimate
compression ratio of selected files and folders. Do not wait
to get an exact result from this command, nevertheless it can
show is it worth to spend time to compress selected data.

7. "Extract" and "Test" commands now are accessible also outside
of archives. If you select a group of files and folders and use
one of these commands, WinRAR will search for archives in the
selected data to process all archives which are found. It makes
archive group operations much simpler. For example, if you
select all files and folders in a root disk folder and press
"Test", all archives on this disk will be tested.

8. Changes in "Extract to" command:

a) "Update mode" option;

b) "Overwrite mode" option;

c) "Clear attribute "Archive"" option;

Clear attribute "Archive" on extracted files.
Useful for backup operations.

d) "Keep broken files"

Do not delete extracted files having incorrect CRC (checksum);

9. Changes in "SFX" command: this command now allows to select the
SFX module used for archive conversion.

10. Changes in "Info" command:

a) RAR specific options now moved to a separate property sheet

b) Size of SFX module is displayed in addition to "SFX" string
in archive type.

11. "Browse for folder" command in "File menu" allows the selection
of a new current folder from folders tree.

12. "History" menu contains the names of the last opened archives.
You may select an archive from this menu to open the archive

13. "Favorites" menu contains the names of the preselected
folders and archives. You may select an item from this menu to
open the archive or go to the folder. Use "Add to favorites"
command (Ctrl-F) from the same menu to add a new item to the
favorites list.

14. "Settings" dialog is seriously modified. Read online help
for details. Most important changes:

- General/Miscellaneous/Reuse existing window:

If user tries to open a new archive, executing "WinRAR
" command and an another WinRAR window is already
open, the archive will be opened in the existing window. If
this option is not enabled, a new window will be created;

- General/Miscellaneous/Restore working folder:

If this option is enabled, WinRAR will set last viewed folder,
when executed without parameters;

- Compression/Archive format:

Select the archive format (RAR or ZIP) proposed by default
in "Add" dialog.

- Compression/Volume options/Always put recovery record:

Always put recovery record to volumes regardless of
"Put recovery record" option in "Add" dialog;

- Compression/Volume options/Independent solid volumes:

When this option is enabled, WinRAR tries to create solid
volumes which are independent one each another, so if one
volume is lost, files in following volumes may still be
accessible. Note than sometimes this option cannot help, for
example, if volumes contain one large file. This option
slightly decreases solid volumes compression ratio, but
seriously increases reliability due to data loss because of
poor media quality. It is not recommended to switch off
this option.

15. "View log" command in "Options" menu show RAR log file contents;

16. It is now possible to integrate WinRAR to Windows shell.
If you selected "Integrate WinRAR into shell" option
when installing WinRAR, the following features are available
in Windows shell (explorer):

a) dropping files to an archive icon will add these files
to the archive;

b) if you drop an archive to a folder using the right mouse
button, "Extract files" item will be added to the menu;

c) "Extract files" item added to archives context menu,
which appeared after the right mouse button click on an
archive icon;

d) "Add to archive" item added to files and folders context

e) Archive specific information sheet is added to archive
properties. If an archive has a comment, it is shown
as a property sheet.

17. You may press the "Background" button in command window during
archiving or extracting operation to minimize WinRAR to tray.
In this mode WinRAR slightly decreases its priority and continues
operation in the background.

18. Yellow progress bar, showing total compressed size, displayed
during archiving operation.

19. "Drives" menu is moved from toolbar to a small icon on the
status bar. It is also acessible using Ctrl-D shortcut.

The second status bar icon calls "Enter default password" dialog.

20. CRC of packed data is now stored for file parts split between
volumes. It allows localization of a damaged volume, if volumes
set contains one large compressed file.

21. New command line switches:

a) -sv - create independent solid volumes. This switch has
the same meaning as the option "Independent solid volumes"
described above;

b) -ac (clear "Archive" attribute) now can be used not only
when archiving, but also when extracting files to clear
"Archive" attribute on extracted files;

c) -ap - set path inside archive. It allows to add files
to a specified archive folder when archiving or to remove
the specified part of path from file names when extracting;

d) -dh - open shared files. Enables to process files opened
by other applications for writing;

e) -- switch stops further switches scanning. It can be useful,
if you need to use in the command line a file or archive name
beginning with '-' character.

22. Command "CW" (write comment to file) can now be performed also
by GUI WinRAR. In previous versions it was supported only by
console RAR.

23. Significantly improved speed of processing large file lists.

24. If in WinRAR you press Enter or double-click on an executable
file within an archive, all archive contents will be extracted
to a temporary folder, WinRAR will then start the selected file,
wait until it is finished and removes this temporary folder.
Such feature allows, for example, to install applications
directly from archives.

25. DOS version of RCVT archive converter is replaced by
Win32 console version.

26. Some unnecessary code is removed from SFX modules,
so their size was significantly reduced. For further size
decrease SFX modules were compressed using WWPACK32 tool
written by Piotr Warezak and Rafal Wierzbicki.

Uncompressed versions of SFX modules are also provided
in the archive UnpSFX.rar. They can be useful, if you want to
modify SFX resources.

In Default.SFX (RAR GUI SFX) and Zip.SFX (ZIP GUI SFX)
it is possible to set some additional parameters, for example,
specify file name, which will be executed after extracting
SFX contents. Look into "Self-extracting modules" topic of
winrar.hlp for details.

27. Comparing with the previous version some files were added to
the distributive, some removed, so as to reduce the amount of
unnecessary files in WinRAR folder it is a good idea to first
uninstall any previous version and than install the new one. Do
not forget to save your registration name and key from your
rar.ini before doing this, if you do not have a copy of this
information elsewhere.

But note that WinRAR version for Windows 3.x + Win32s
is no longer supported. So if you need to use WinRAR under
this platform, save winrar.exe from the previous version.


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